Eddie Lee Kendrick
1928 - 1992
Born in Stephens, Arkansas, Kendrick was the first of thirteen children. He was raised on a farm and attended school through the 7th grade. Kendrick showed a strong interest in art during his youth. He worked as a school custodian in Little Rock, where his talents were first recognized by a teacher. A deeply religious man, he was made a deacon of his church in 1986. Experiencing visions from God in his dreams, Kendrick was charged to create religious paintings. His subjects included landscapes, portrayals of contemporary life, and visionary images; in all instances, empyreal beings supervise the scene and calligraphic inscriptions identify it. In his dreams he traveled in space – “heaven bound” he would say - by train and “plain”. Kendrick used pencils, crayons, watercolors, and occasionally oil paints in works. ⁴
Eddie Lee Kendrick

Baptism in front of buildings with Christ - 1978 - 15.5x29.75 - acrylic and ballpoint pen on pressed paperboard