My name is Margot. This is the name I have chosen. I was born on July 25, 1982 and grew up in the countryside. At first, I tried to do business like everyone else. I learnt a job, florist, and then I became a business manager. “All was well in the best of all worlds”. But my future was to be different. The year 2014 was a radical change in the way I see life, my future, and how I was going to use my energy. Once cycle ended, another began. I stopped my route, I forked. I stopped everything. My subconscious knew that my future was somewhere else. When I was 32 years old, in October 2014, I started drawing tirelessly. Everyday. All day. This energy was like a torrent; indeed, it was frenetic and furious. With time, I have found my rhythm. I multiply the features and I give birth to the forms. Then I assemble the curves with fluidity. A rhythmic is created, similar to music, to emotions. With the help of multiple pieces of paper, I build architectures, similar to shelters, a cabin in a tree, where my mind can retreat. I come to calm my thoughts on the world around me, inviolable territory where only the protectors of my sanctuary take root. Through my drawings, I compose with the vibrations surrounding me, I give birth to a new universe, and I transcend my memories. I free myself; I break my chains. I breathe………deeply.
From Margot, the artist (Henry Boxer Gallery)
Tra Miaj Manoj series - Fecondo - 39.65" - Technique Mixte -
Serie les sybiles - "Dyaloioppe" - 70x50cm - ink on paper
Hermaphrodite - 27.5x79 - mixed media - 2022
Fear not, i am infinite - 33x94- mixed media - 2022