William L. Hawkins

1895 - 1990


William Hawkins: Photo by Frank Maresca

William L. Hawkins was born in Kentucky and grew up on his affluent grandparents’ farm, after his mother died when he was two years old. He moved to Columbus, Ohio, when he was 21. Hawkins married and divorced twice and supported his children and grandchildren throughout his life, finding steady employment as a truck driver. Retiring in the late 1970’s, he could finally dedicate more time to his art. His dramatic paintings, inspired by commercially printed images from magazines, newspapers, brochures and posters, are unhampered by detail or perspective. Hawkins often used unconventional recycled materials, painting on plywood, pieces of Masonite, and other found objects, and adding relief and dimension by attaching materials to raise the surface before painting over them. His themes include architectural views of townscapes, images of wild animals, and history paintings often depicting scenes from the “Wild West”. Using house paint, his palette was bright and spectacular; he would mix vivid yellows, reds, and whites to create unusual bold images. A particular feature of his work is his use of a painted frame around the main content of the painting and the inclusion of his name and date of birth in large strong letters. ¹


William A. Hall


Rev. Herman Hayes