Rev. J.L. Hunter
1905 - 1999
Rev. J.L. Hunter was born in Taylor, Texas in 1905. His father died when Hunter was an infant and he was raised in his grandparents’ home. In 1918 Hunter and his mother moved to Dallas. He attended school and took various jobs, including fourteen years at a drugstore. In 1936, Hunter entered Southern Bible College and later attended Bishop College. He pastored in Sherman, Texas for 8 years and in Texarkana, Texas for 13 years. In the 1960s, Hunter became the senior minister at the True Light Baptist Church in South Dallas. In the 1930s, a horoscope that said he was artistic, inspired him to use his talent. In addition to preaching and teaching school, he periodically fashioned colorful walking sticks, covered wagon lamps, animal toys, trains, ships, and figurines. Hunter worked with collected wood, popsicle sticks, wood shavings, paint and glue. All his figures have flat, crude faces highlighted with red paint, and he used tacks or screws for eyes. ⁴
Rev. J.L. Hunter © Ted Degener